Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Poll: Support for Gay Rights is Growing in the South and Midwest

A HRC-supported poll by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research revealed some hope from the most conservative states. Support for gay rights is growing, slowly, but surely in the South and Midwest:
The poll shows support for equal marriage at 51 percent (43 percent in the Midwest and South), in line with other national polls on the issue. Support for non-discrimination protections for LGBT people in employment, housing and public accommodations is strong nationally at 79 percent, as is support for protections against bullying in schools at 73 percent. Respondents also overwhelmingly say anti-gay discrimination is a problem (79 percent) and anti-transgender discrimination is a problem (74 percent).

Aside from policy questions, 57 percent of respondents say they would not be bothered if their child or grandchild was gay. Seventy-seven percent of men say they could be close friends with a gay man and 81 percent of women say they could be close friends with a lesbian. Overall, 64 percent say they could be close friends with someone who is transgender. Relating to the current debate over so-called “pray the gay away” therapies, only 24 percent of people think gay people can be made straight through psychotherapy or prayer.
 The HRC will kick off a bus tour in the South and Midwest in order to change minds and hopefully gain new allies.



  1. I really don't think it's that big a deal anymore. Most folks have other things to worry about. All except the religious right wing nuts.

  2. Huh? What? Huh?
    This is interesting.
