Monday, July 25, 2011

My Recap of Comic Con 2011

Comic Con '11 was an event this year. It was cool, but I noticed that San Diego needs to step it up if it wants to maintain the flow and the folks. But in all, it was fun.

So let me tell you about it.
  • I took a train to San Diego and it was fun, in a Murder on the Orient Express kinda way.
  • The gays represented this year! We are taking over.
  • The panels were good and engaging.
  • I felt like the organization of Comic Con was off. They need new management.
  • The folks in the next room in our hotel were having sex to disco and they were STRAIGHT.
  • Tara from Buffy stayed in our hotel. We ran into her on the stairs.
Me and WW Crew, Javier and Peter
  • I hung out a few Wonder Woman fans Saturday night. We had a great dinner and great time hanging out at the beach.
  • I went to a writing session and I learned a lot. So Amazon Studios, I'm peeping you.
  • My partner came this time, but he was tired of the crowds.
  • The crowds were nerdier, crazier and a tad bit hotter.

Me and Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead
  • I met Robert Kirkman! He created The Walking Dead.
  • We couldn't set on the floor anywhere. Apparently, it is a fire hazard. Also you can't plug up your laptops either. I was told you can't have wires showing.
  • I waited for two and half hours to see the True Blood panel. It was worth it, but I wish the Comic Con folks would empty out the main ballroom. Folks sit in there all day, making it hard for others to get in.
  • The vendors are crooks. They get a hold of the Comic Con Exclusives and sale them for almost 10 times the price. That should be illegal.
  • I didn't spend as much as I thought I would.
  • I just found my Gucci sunglasses! I thought I lost them at Netroots Nation.
That's it.


  1. Excellent summation!! I love it! Right to the point... I feel like I was there.... And I woulda hated the crowds too!!

  2. I'm so jealous of you having Kirkman's hands on you. Cute as hell! Too bad he's married and het. :)

  3. Don't these vendors realize they are shooting themselves in the foot with outrageous pricing? I would imagine many items did not move and they went home empty handed.

    BTW, werking the Storm t-shirt. Did you do a broken down doll pose at some point?

  4. V, I'm really happy you had a good time. I'm so jealous that you got to meet Amber Benson and Robert Kirkman!
