Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Interesting Quote: Beyonce

I've always had a connection. Most of my audience is actually women and my gay fans, and I've seen a lot of the younger boys kind of grow up to my music. It's great when I'm able to do the meet and greets, because I'm able to really connect and have conversations. People look at some of the artists that I admire - like Diana Ross and Cher - and they identity that glamour with Sasha Fierce, and I've been really inspired by the language. I have my (gay) stylists and my makeup artist, and all of their stories and the slang words I always put it in my music. We inspire each other. Like I said, we're one.
King B talks about her gay fans


  1. I. Love. Her. So. MUCH!
    Beyonce is so my diva of choice!

  2. Yeah! Go Bey! Ever since I've started getting into Destiny's Child, I've loved how they've managed to put in lots of subtle tones in their videos and music for their gay fans, without being patronizing.

  3. Funny thing Vik. She says she loves us but she isn't a true outspoken advocate. Lady Gaga turned down the Target deal she had due to their anti-gay policies. Beyonce has no qualms with it apparently. (Exclusive Target deals as evidence) I'd hope a community supporting an artist that much would beg for some reciprocal advocacy on her part. Unless I've gotten something wrong. In which case let me know.
