Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony is Not Guilty

 Mess, pure mess!

Anthony has been found not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter. She was also found not guilty of aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter of a child. But she was convicted on charges of misleading law enforcement.
The case against Anthony was mostly circumstantial, but as it unfolded she was portrayed in the trial as a promiscuous, self-centered woman who became a cold-blooded killer. The motive, prosecutors alleged, was to allow her to live a carefree life without her daughter.

The state's case theory was that a desperate Anthony used chloroform to subdue her daughter and then suffocated her with duct tape. Anthony then fabricated fantastic lies to cover up her deeds, they said.

Anthony's attorney Jose Baez told the jury his client was the victim of an abusive upbringing.
Her upbringing... Explain that to the millions of folks who also had a horrid upbringing.



  1. Pure mess indeed! They couldn't even convict her on aggravated child abuse? When your child has been missing for over a month? Excuse my language, but what the fuck!

  2. I don't know but something doesn't seem right here.

  3. Seriously??? I have no words for this . . .

  4. I was waiting for the verdict on the SESSION a court show and when I turned to my afternoon news the verdict was already handed out and when i turned back to the SESSION they had not given it out yet???
    Different time zones???

  5. And she will be laughing all the way to the bank. So you see folks, the lesson is, we actually AWARD this kind of thing here. Don't be surprised if someone tries to copycat this.

    If she's smart she'll collect her check and leave the country. Her folks are already getting death threats and under police protection. How long do you think it'll be before someone comes after her?
