Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Capitol Resource Institute wants to repeal Cali's LGBT History Law

You knew this was coming. A rising hate group called, the Capitol Resource Institute has filed papers to get a voter referendum on the LGBT History law:
The proponent of the proposed referendum, Paulo Sibaja, filed a request for a title and summary with the attorney general's office. Sibaja said he acted on behalf of the Capitol Resource Institute, which had officially opposed the bill throughout the legislative process before Gov. Jerry Brown signed it Thursday. Sibaja is the legislative director of that organization.

The Capitol Resource Institute is a hard-line, socially conservative organization that has long opposed efforts in California to expand rights for the LGBT population. Backers eventually would have to collect 433,971 signatures to allow voters to decide whether to keep the law in place or reject it.
Sibaja said that a coalition has formed behind the proposed measure, though he would not name the other members. He said a news conference Wednesday would give more details. When asked how the group planned to fund the referendum, he said, "That's what the press conference will be about."
This fools need to get over it!

1 comment:

  1. Consider the underhandedness used to get signatures in other campaigns. I wonder if people aren't wise to these cretins yet?

    There have been gay people throughout history that have made positive contributions toward progress for the human race.

    And my contribution, writing the queries that sling data back and forth for the state of RI's open meetings act.
