Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WATCH: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Defends David Tyree


  1. That bitch is originally from Cranston, RI. I hope I run into her some day. I want to give her a piece of my mind.

  2. Here's my take on Tyree. He's trying to get the glory back. Sorry baby, but your 15 minutes was up over a decade ago.

  3. His comments are detrimental. If we aren't fit to raise kids... then the next logical misstep is that we're not fit to be around them.
    His statements, no matter his belief or intent, are hateful.
    And of all people, Sherri pointed out the flaw of his logic.

  4. Is being a shill for NOM the only job David Tyree could get after football? What a punk.

    Elizabeth Hasselbeck is two cans shy of a four-pack of Guinness. Why she still has a job on television I don't know.

  5. I know where David is coming from.
    Don't hate him too bad, he will have a change of heart in the near future.
    We/You/Me we can't control what others say or feel.
