Sunday, June 5, 2011

Question of the Day: Doctor Who Edition

Well, all was revealed... If you were lucky to see it.

And if you did see the week late episode... What did you think?


  1. I didn't realize BBCA is a week behind until yesterday. Fortunately, I don't rely on them to see Who.

    The exchange between River and the Doctor when he does finally discover who she is so beautifully executed...Well done! I've watched that scene a few times now it moved me that much.

  2. BBCA is a week behind?? Where does the latest episode available?

    I do rely on them, because I want it in HD.

  3. A depressing, unfocussed, self-indulgent dog's dinner. As usual, all surface gloss, fireworks and noise, amounting to nothing.

    The axe can't fall soon enough.

  4. @ Liberator Émigré Éire I love your review of Who. True the stories always feel rushed, but your admit the Alex and Matt pulled it off when the reveal, no?

  5. @Mad Professah. Yeah, Somehow BBC America screwed up last week and didn't show the "Almost People" episode, which they did this week. I'll see if I can find that link for "A Good Man Goes To War" for you and forward it on. Yes, it was in HD.

  6. Vik, I think I was happier with the thought layed out earlier that River could be the spirit of the TARDIS made human. His sincere emotional reactions to "her" and their partnership for the past hundreds of years made sense to me. The kind of intimacy that River speaks of between them works with the Doctor/Tardis scenario. River being who she really is, is kinda creepy to me. LOL! I don't mind her being who she is. But it makes the relationship with the Doctor odd for me. What did you think Vik??

  7. @Ian: Sorry, but no. I love Alex Kingston, but I despise Matt Smith. He's beyond awful. And the reveal was lame, like something from a daytime soap. Pathetic.
