Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm heading to Netroots Nation

A few months ago Ron (Mad Professah) told me to apply for the Netroots Nation scholarship. I thought it would be cool, but there a lot of folks who would kill for that opportunity. Still, I took the chance and filled out the application.

Then last week, I received a call from Mike Rogers (Outrage) that got it; an all paid trip to Minneapolis for the conference.

I was ecstatic!

Not just because I got the scholarship, but the fact that Mike liked my blog and wanted me to be a part Netroots Nation. I have to admit, I was flattered.

So in a few hours, I will be in Minneapolis learning about activism, organizing and meeting other LGBT bloggers.  I'll keep y'all updated on everything.


  1. Although I believe Mike Rogers is a self loathing walking scumbag, congratulations on the scholarship.

  2. That is HUGE! Congratulations.

    I read Daily Kos - the people who founded/run Netroots Nation - and it is a really big deal. I bet you will learn a lot and meet a bunch of great people.

    John Aravosis will probably even be there...



  3. That's great! Congratulations! You deserve it.

  4. Congrats, an amazing opportunity.
