Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chris Rock defends Free Speech, but not Tracy Morgan's Actions

Earlier, Chris Rock Tweeted this

 GLAAD responded by saying, "Language about stabbing kids for being gay isn't 'foul.' It's dangerous."

Then hours later, Chris tried to clarify his first Tweet.
  Here's the complete statement from his website:

Tracy morgan is a tad off we all know that so when tracy says something i usually don't take it anymore serious than i would a statement from gary busey or flavor flav .when i first heard the statement i thought it was offensive but it also reminded me of my father saying ill kill you if you ever bring home a white girl but after reading everything tracy said . wow i get it that shit wasn't called for and i don't support it at all. now can i please go to the tony awards without getting my ass kicked.
I do see what Chris is saying about free speech and the things parents say, I mean, the things my Grandmama used to say; but it is still not okay. With the bullying and hateful actions towards LGBT teens, especially to LGBT teens of color, Tracy's actions are completely unacceptable.

We are free to say what we want to say, but we are still responsible for what comes out our mouths. Tracy needs to understand that his rant has impact and unfortunately, dangerous consequences.

So Chris, be a friend to Tracy and chew him out for this mess. 


  1. Vik, do you think there will be the same ramifications for Tracy as there were for Isaiah Washington? If not, why? Especially since what Tracy said, to me, is considerably more inflammatory than what Isaiah is "rumored" to have said. Does Tracy get a pass because he's a comedian?? Whatcha think?

  2. I'm not sure. Isaiah's issue was very interesting because there no real witnesses to his incident. But, I don't think they will fire Tracy.

  3. Tracy is more valuable to the cast of 30 Rock than Isaiah was to Grey's, he won't be fired.

  4. Oh, and why is it that every time someone says something fucked up, people gotta roll out the "free speech" bullshit?

    No one is saying Tracy and whomever else don't have the right to say what they want or how they feel, but we also have the right to call them out for the disgusting dogs that they are.

  5. This situation, to me, is why the whole PC thing scares me a bit. I'm GLAD Tracy said what he said. Now I know how he really feels. And then I can drop any support of him I may have had(assuming I ever had any.)

    I agree that what he said is horrid and detestable. But I'd rather know this is how he feels and not watch his tv shows, buy tickets to his movies or comedy performances than to have him smiling in my face and hating me behind my back while I put money in his pockets. A lot of bigots hide behind the PC thing and we are buying their records, going to their movies and attending their concerts making them wealthy.

    I'm sure the gay man(Kevin I think) sitting in the audience at that comedy performance is happier knowing the truth now too and I hope he got his money back for the comedy show ticket.

  6. Here in Australia speech is free up to and including when it becomes something that can incite hatred and violence.

    His ass would be kicked for this in my country.

    He said a stupid - hateful thing. Free speech be damned - his arse should be fired.

  7. Hate Speech is Free Speech.
    Tracy can say what he wants, and we can all say what we want about him.
