Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Would you want to see a "Black Widow" Movie?

Marvel Films are about to take over the comic movie game. Hoping to give their most popular characters screen time, the group is looking into more movies to make. One of those possible movies is the Black Widow.

Here's Marvel's co-chief Kevin Feige on the subject:
First and foremost, perhaps the most interesting was the talk that “The Avengers” characters Hawkeye (as played by Jeremy Renner) and Black Widow (as played by Scarlett Johansson) could be potential solo films. A “Black Widow” film has been mentioned before, but to hear it from Feige, those discussions are active and they’re going on with the actress as well.

“There’s no definitive plans, but we have started talking and talking with Scarlett about what a Widow movie could be,” he said. 
Interesting, but I have to ask... Do we want to see a Black Widow movie? I think she's an interesting character in the Marvel Universe, but I'm not sure if I want to see a movie about her. I think I may do a post about the Marvel women who deserve a film, but right now, I'm not sold on a BW flick.



  1. First of all. Black Widow would be a great solo Movie if She was played by Mila Jovovich and not Scarlet. Scarlet is a pretty face, but lost her acting chops. She was terrible in Iron Man 2> (Really can't even try for the accent?)
    Second of all. You need to be my new best friend, I love your blog and will be promoting it on mine (Zombietoenails.com)

    Your New BFF

  2. probably turn out as well as Elektra did.

  3. Nah. I wouldn't be interested. Black Widow was always one of my least favorites...
