Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Website wants folks to Boycott Thor because of a Black God

Haters are going to Hate.

A website called Boycott Thor wants everyone to avoid the film because Heimdall is Black. Their leading statement is this:

The movie comes out in the United States on May 6th. It was release this past weekend 56 foreign markets.

Tens of thousands of people in the US and Europe have pledged to boycott the movie because of it’s insulting corruption of Germanic mythology to promote a left-wing political agenda on race.
Also to help their 'argument', they talk about the ethnic make up of Cleopatra. 
The “Cleopatra was a black woman” is a flimsy myth put forth by the Nation of Islam and other radical “black power” outfits. Cleopatra was a Macedonian Greek. In fact, very few sub-Saharan Africans [Negroes] lived in North Africa prior to the start of the Arab slave trade.

The fact is, we know exactly what Cleopatra looks like. Numerous depictions were made of her while she was alive. These depictions span three cultures, Roman, Egyptian, and Syrian. All depict her as very Caucasian looking.

If Elba wants to defend Marvel’s decision to cast him, that is fine. However, his argument should not be based around an easily disprovable myth.
This particular post incorrect in some ways. Cleo's racial background is very mixed, but that's another post for another time. However, this site is truly ridic. Other posts are borderline racist and crazy. I get that they are upset, but this entire site is silly.

Anywho, if you are curious about this website, check this mess out. It's interesting to see these folks get all bent up over fake gods.


  1. Norse Gods were not Australian or British either. The biggest problem with the internet is websites are so easy to make nowadays, even racist morons can have one.

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  4. V, their argument might have something behind it if I saw the same kind of reaction to the "corruption" of other world myths history, music, art, and literature, excluding the very people those stories are about. Our world is fascinated by the whims of WASPSM. People, even minorities, are far too comfortable with the idea of WASPSM as the dominant feature of our world, even though that does not reflect the true population or the strength, wonder, and diversity of the people of our planet.

  5. How you see the world ,is how the world is.Psy.101
