Saturday, May 7, 2011

Texas Approves Controversial Abortion Bill

You know Texas can't sit still for too long. It seems the state has to do something crazy to draw attention. Well, yesterday they exceeded expectations. Their lawmakers have passed a bill that makes doctors to perform a sonogram before giving the patient an abortion.
The legislation requires doctors to conduct a sonogram at least 24 hours before an abortion and to provide the woman with the opportunity to see the results and hear the fetal heartbeat. The doctor is also required to describe what the sonogram shows.

In cases of incest, rape or fetal abnormality, the woman doesn't have to hear a description of the fetus.

Texas Governor Rick Perry, a Republican, stands behind the controversial measure. While different versions of the proposal were under debate earlier this year, Perry regarded the legislation as an emergency priority.

"Ensuring Texans have access to all the information when making such an important decision is a critical step in our efforts to protect life, and I look forward to this legislation reaching my desk very soon," said Perry in a statement earlier this week, lauding the state legislature for advancing the measure. 
I hope women are outraged by this silly bill. It's just wrong and invasive.  


1 comment:

  1. Only stupid pompadour Rick Perry would do some shit like this. Oh well...
