Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rep. Duncan D. Hunter wants to derail the DADT Repeal

This son of jackal plans to introduce amendments to jack up the DADT repeal. But how can this be done? Well, these amendments will require the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to prove that the repeal of DADT won't damage military readiness.  WTF?

Please read his press release:

During consideration of the national defense authorization act this week by the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Duncan Hunter will offer an amendment to require that all four military service chiefs certify that implementation of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT)” repeal won’t impact combat readiness and effectiveness. The amendment mirrors legislation previously introduced by Hunter—H.R. 337, the Restore Military Readiness Act. 

“The four military service chiefs are far more closely connected to the day-to-day realities facing each respective service branch than those who are currently required to sign off on the repeal—including the President,” said Hunter, a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  “The President, the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs should all take part in the certification process, but excluding the service chiefs is a mistake.  They may agree to move forward with the repeal or they may have other recommendations for implementation and timing.  Either way, their unvarnished perspective is critical to this process—especially as it relates to preserving the military’s high rate of effectiveness. 

“I’ve said before that our priority should be winning in Afghanistan and focusing on the roadside bomb threat, the primary source of U.S. casualties.  The repeal of DADT won’t make our troops any safer or help achieve victory any faster.  Even so, any movement toward implementation must be efficient and show respect for the culture and tradition unique to each service branch and the military as a whole.”
More info about these amendments is here at Washington Blade.

1 comment:

  1. This piece of excrement is my Congressman and the only reason why he got elected is because he took over Daddy's seat, loves Jesus and hates minorities and the LGBTQ community -- just like a lot of his constituents.
