Friday, May 6, 2011

My Review: Thor

I have to say that I loved Thor! It was a great comic book movie that stuck to its Marvel roots and you don't feel stupid for watching it.

But before I go off on how fine Chris Hemsworth is, I'll give you my vague review:

  • Thor's back story was done well. You got a strong understanding of his history and his power
  • This movie showcase his power straight from the comic books

  • Chris is a hottie! Okay, on a serious note, he played Thor perfectly. And my Goddess he is hot!
  • The Earth scenes were wonderful. The times Thor spent with Jane were natural and well scripted.
  • The graphics were on point.
  • If you are not a Thor person (like me) then you will enjoy this movie. This was a well told story.
  • Loki was a great complex villain.
  • The casting was perfect. I'm still impressed with Chris' performance as Thor.
  • Anthony Hopkins continues his superb acting as Odin
  • There were nice nods to Marvel Comics and a couple of characters made appearances (Hawkeye was one of them).
  • After seeing Jaimie as Lady Sif, I am convinced that she should have been Wonder Woman.
  • All the characters had a purpose in the film, unlike Iron Man 2.
  • The mix of the two worlds was tastefully done.
  • This film made me a fan of Thor.
See this movie! Oh, and stay to the very end of the film.


Dale Who. said...

Loved Thor, and I'm really not a Marvel fan. I agree with everything you've said, especially Chris being HOT, but I did find myself wondering, at one point, why Loki decided that dressing as a bluey green ant complete with feelers was a good look...

Renée said...

I love the review in bullet points instead of paragraph form. So much nicer to read quick tidbits of info about the movie instead of a long article. Thanks for not giving away any big plot points! I am not a Thor person but am more interested in seeing this movie now. I can't believe Chris is Liam's brother, who just got cast in the Hunger Games! Seems like these 2 boys will be getting much bigger in the coming year. Anyway, just came across your blog and I will be back. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am going to see this with my BFF tomorrow, I can't wait to see it and review it!!

SteveA said...

Awesome review! I want to see it!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.