Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Favorite Mothers in Comic Books

Because it's Mothers' Day, I'm going to highlight several mothers from the Comic Book universe.

Queen Hippolyta, Wonder Woman's mother who has been in the role herself. Poly has been the best and worth mother to Diana. However, she was a true amazon and Queen to her people
Mystique, mother of Nightcrawler, Grayson Greed, Ablyss and foster mother to Rogue. She is deadly, evil and untrustworthy but she did care for her daughter, Rogue.
Madelyne Pryor, the mother of Cable. She got a bad rap, being Jean Grey's clone and all, but when she was powerful, she was powerful.
Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman. She is the mother of the all powerful Franklin Richards and Valeria. 

Moira Mac Taggert, former mother of Wolfsbane and mother of Proteus, the reality altering mutant.
Arella, mother of the for the Titan, Raven. She was seduced by the demon, Trigon and gave birth to Raven. Throughout the series, she would help the Titans keep Raven from going all demonic and destroy the world.

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