Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Minnesota Democrats push to end their state version of DOMA

As the GOP in Minnesota try to ban gay marriage, the Democrats came back hard with a bill (the Marriage and Family Protection Act) that would repeal their state version of DOMA.

Here's some more info:
“Marriage is a legal institution recognized by the state to promote stable relationships and to protect people in those relationships and their children,” the bill states. “Minnesota’s current marriage law discriminates against same-sex couples, denying them and their families rights and responsibilities, including the right to pension and Social Security survivor’s benefits, the right to family and medical leave, and numerous other benefits and obligations. The state has an interest in encouraging stable relationships regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of the partners and the entire community benefits when couples undertake the mutual obligations of marriage.”

The bill removes language from Minnesota statutes stemming from the 1997 Defense of Marriage Act. Instead, statutes that refer to “husband” and “wife” would also refer to “spouse.”

Doug Benson of Marriage Equality Minnesota, which helped draft a similar bill last year, said the bill isn’t likely to go anywhere.

“With little chance of passage this biennium, it is largely a symbolic gesture, but symbols are important,” he said. “We are pushing forward toward equality in the face of our oppressors’ onslaught,” he added, referring to a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
I think this is a solid gesture. I hope they try to stop this silly marriage ban.


1 comment:

  1. Republicans have a majority in both houses of the MN legislature. This bill is DOA.
