Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Love is Gone! Trump is failing in the Polls

Well, I guess the love affair with Dump Trump is over. Polls shows the bastard falling short everywhere.
The survey, conducted by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, found Trump garnering only 8 percent of potential Republican primary voters, down from 26 percent who said they would support him if he ran in PPP's previous survey. That plunge in support was enough to drop him from a solid first place to a tie for fifth place.

As recently as last week, a CNN poll conducted April 29-May 1 found Trump vying for the lead in the Republican primary with 14 percent to Mike Huckabee's 16 percent. So far, Republican primary surveys have shown that no frontrunner has emerged in the race, which means that candidate rankings in those surveys can be particularly volatile.

To add to the woes, Trump's favorable rating among Republicans is deep in negative territory in the new poll. Previous surveys had found that Americans more generally had an unfavorable opinion of Trump, but showed him with at least tepidly supportive ratings among Republicans.
Oh Trump, glad this is happening to you.
