Saturday, May 14, 2011

Interesting Quote: Mo'Nique

Yes, there’s a mutual affection there. There’s something very special about the connection between a gay man and a fat black woman. I think that because we’ve both been the underdog — or we’ve both been in this place of trying to be accepted and loved — that we gravitated to each other.

Mo'Nique explains why gays love her.



  1. She's cool - and may make some sense!

  2. Hmm...Maybe I'm weird, but I have very few female friends. Well friends close enough that we hang out and do things. I assume because a lot of what women generally like to do, I could care less about. To be honest most of my close friends, through no effort of my own, are straight and gay men. That just seems to be how it works out.

    The straight woman with the gay sidekick never came true for me. So does there need to be a perscribed reason why someone is friends with someone else, can't it just be that they have a lot in common and leave it at that? Be it fat or skinny, nerdy or sexy, fashion forward or backward, if you relate, you relate.

    Luckily our sexuality allows us to be a non-threatening male presence to women. What a great thing to take advantage of and learn with.
