Monday, May 2, 2011

GOP Leaders Downplay President Obama's role in Bin Laden's death

Osama Bin Laden's death has Republican leaders kind of in a tizzy. While they are glad for the news, they are not too crazy about President Obama's getting the praise. In fact, check out some of their responses to the matter starting with Mike Huckabuck...

“It has taken a long time for this monster to be brought to justice. Welcome to hell, bin Laden. Let us all hope that his demise will serve notice to Islamic radicals the world over that the United States will be relentless in tracking down and terminating those who would inflict terror, mayhem and death on any of our citizens."

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gave Obama credit without mentioning his name, thanking “our intelligence community, our military and the president.”

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty thanked Obama only after mentioning Bush first.
“In the hours after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush promised that America would bring Osama bin Laden to justice -- and we did. I want to congratulate America's armed forces and President Obama for a job well done,” Pawlenty said. 

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gave credit to “all those involved.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), another 2012 hopeful, had not issued any statements on the matter as of Monday morning. 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) did not mention the president, saying that America was “grateful for the heroic efforts of the many men and women around the world who have fought and who are still fighting to protect the world from terrorism. Though they may never make the headlines, we are ever mindful of their many sacrifices.”

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) thanked Obama after the military and additionally thanked Bush.
“I want to congratulate -- and thank -- the hard-working men and women of our Armed Forces and intelligence community for their tireless efforts and perseverance that led to this success. I also want to commend President Obama and his team, as well as President Bush, for all of their efforts to bring Osama bin Laden to justice,” Boehner said.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Obama had “followed the vigilance of President Bush in bringing Bin Laden to justice.”

Dick Cheney, Bush's former vice president, praised the U.S. military and intelligence community, but added: "I also want to congratulate President Obama and the members of his national security team."
I guess this is no surprise. They know Obama's numbers will skyrocket, making it twice as hard to run against him.  Oh well.



  1. Alot of us up here always knew President Obama would get Osama. RIP Osama.
    Cheney your days are numbered....good.
    Republicans better watch what they say.
    america knows that the President is being hated on.

  2. Evil always show its true form.

  3. President Obama did what fuck-up Bush and Cheney couldn't do in 8 years. The only thing the Bush crime family did was fuck up the economy for us beyond repair, invade Iraq based on lies and let Osama bin Laden slipped away in Tora Bora. Total fuck ups in US history!
