Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gay Marriage Drama Attacks New York

Assemblyman Danny O’Donnell has re-introduced the NY gay marriage bill yesterday (see the bill here). And at the same time, haters have received national funding to stop this. In fact, NOM is throwing in big dollars into the fight.

In their blog, they post:

“It’s become quite clear in recent days in New York that Governor Cuomo and same-sex marriage advocates are targeting a select number of Democrat state Senators, as well as some Republicans in their desperate attempt to coerce legislators to support their agenda,” said Brian Brown, President of NOM.  “We want to be sure those courageous Democrats and Republicans who cast their vote of conscience in favor of traditional marriage will have a strong supporter if the radical gay activists come after them in their next election.”

"In Maryland and Rhode Island we just won great victories for marriage.  Our opponents tried to claim that same-sex marriage was inevitable in both of those states.  They were wrong,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president.  “Once our message got out and legislators heard from their constituents, same-sex marriage was stopped dead in its tracks.  We expect the same to happen in New York."
The gay marriage battle in New York should be a historic one. I can't wait to see how the people of NY welcome Gay Marriage in their state. Yes, I'm predicting the future, but I gotta dream big.

More on this story is here.

1 comment:

  1. With each day that passes, NOM's dirty tricks become more apparent, and soon they'll be the lone sad voice against equality.
