Monday, May 16, 2011

CNN's Don Lemon talks about his New Book and Coming Out

More coming out news. CNN's Don Lemon is coming out to the overall public. In his new book "Transparent", Don sheds the light on his career and his life.
Mr. Lemon has not made a secret of his sexual orientation in his work life; many of his CNN co-workers and managers have long been aware that he is gay. But he still acknowledged that going public in his book carries certain risks. 

“I’m scared,” he said in a telephone interview. “I’m talking about something that people might shun me for, ostracize me for.” 

Even beyond whatever effect his revelation might have on his television career, Mr. Lemon said he recognized this step carried special risk for him as a black man.
“It’s quite different for an African-American male,” he said. “It’s about the worst thing you can be in black culture. You’re taught you have to be a man; you have to be masculine. In the black community they think you can pray the gay away.” He said he believed the negative reaction to male homosexuality had to do with the history of discrimination that still affects many black Americans, as well as the attitudes of some black women. 

“You’re afraid that black women will say the same things they do about how black men should be dating black women.” He added, “I guess this makes me a double minority now.” 

So why do it? It really came down to the act of writing the book. Mr. Lemon said he had been on a panel a couple of years ago called “The Black Man in the Age of Obama,” and was approached afterward by a publisher’s representative about writing an inspirational book. 

“It was supposed to be a little pamphlet,” he said. “You know: say your prayers; have a good, hearty handshake; say good morning to your boss.” 

But as he began to write, he came to realize that he could not hold back the truth of who he was. He started to pour out the details of his personal life. How he had grown up not knowing his father, how he had suffered abuse by someone close to him. 
I am proud of Don and I hope he inspires others to come out.



  1. I love Don Lemon! We share birthday dammit! LOL, But seriously, I commend Donnie. I know some will have snide remarks because most folks already knew Don was gay, but it takes courage to stand proud and admit one's sexuality & be in the news media. Others haven't on CNN.

    Anderson...Where you at?
