Tuesday, April 5, 2011

RNC uses their Website to Attack President Obama on LGBT Issues

Within hours of President Obama's reelection announcement, the RNC wasted no time in slamming him, especially for his LGBT support.

Metro Weekly reports:
"Hope Isn't Hiring," a new site launched by the RNC includes a page of talking points on social issues, taking aim several times at Obama's record on LGBT equality.

Among the topics are "Despite It Being The Law Of The Land, Obama Refused To Continue To Defend The Defense Of Marriage Act In Court"; "Obama Repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell While U.S. Troops Are Still On The Battlefield"; and "Obama Opposed California's Prop 8 And Has Expanded Government Recognition Of Same-Sex Couples."

Regarding the government recognition of same-sex couples, the RNC specifically targets hospital visitation rights, noting "Obama Issued An Executive Order Allowing Same Sex Couples Hospital Visitation Rights."

The RNC also claims in that section of the new site that "Obama Has Been Acting On Policy Recommendations From The Human Rights Campaign Since Taking Office."
Here are some of their highlights

1 comment:

  1. My rebuttal:

    #1 LBJ didn't defend Jim Crow when he passed the Civil Rights Act. What's the difference here?

    #2 Troops were on the ground in Korea (that war is technically still on) and in other places when DADT went into effect. That wasn't a big deal then. It's no big deal now.

    I really hate the GOP
