Sunday, April 3, 2011

Question of the Day: Gay Male Edition

My friend, The Boy From Ohio, met this guy the other and out of nowhere... He's in LOVE. Well, he's loveSICK.

I mean, he is sooo into this guy that it hurts him. He said that they didn't kiss or fool around. He just fell in deep with his personality and voice (The dreamguy speaks French). It was so bad, that my friend was playing Celine Dion in French in his car last night.

While I was trying to talk some sense into his crazy head, I got to thinking... Have I ever been that lovesick? The answer is yes. As my friend was chatting away about having kids and a house with this guy, I though my own love drug drama.

As most of you know, I followed my crush/friend to college. But that not all: I was caught up/fooling around with one of my roommates in college, fell in deep with a RA (which we fooled around for 3 years) and almost joined a music frat because I was crazy over my 'BigBro'. So yes, I've been there.

But I want to know if any of you been lovesick over someone? Please share.


the immigayrant said...


I've had many crushes in the past. I don't think I have done anything particularly outrageous, but I've had embarrassing moments when trying to woo him.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

... Yeah back when I was a kid... Kinda outgrew it... And after reading a lot of books on Co-Dependence...

Prince Todd said...

I don't think he's in love. He's in HEAT!(lol) Frenchmen will do that to you.
OMG...I didn't know you had a Felicity moment!
Well my love sick moment is no big secret. I got involved in a long distance relationship (a first for me)with somebody I thought was fabulous. For two years he begged me to come move with him. When I finally met him, in person, he turned out to be a: liar, fraud, and an all around piece of shit.
The end. :0) (lol)

Allan S. said...

Vik, when I was a 18 y.o. gayling, I had quit my job so I can spend more time with my 25 y.o. boyfriend that use to rock my world. I was a hot mess of lovesick.

SteveA said...

I used to be in my initial love interests, but now I am stronger - but either way I always knew my limits!

Anonymous said...

I fell for Hart Bochner.

Unknown said...

I've been there, and never want to go back to it

Eduardo Guize said...

Yeah, a couple times, and I've done much worse than listening to Celine Dion (if you can believe that).

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.