Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kobe Bryant said the F-word, but didn't mean to offend anyone

Kobe, Kobe, Kobe... Here below is a clip of Kobe Bryant called the ref a "f**king fag" at last night game.

HRC jumped on it fast with this statement:
"Hopefully Mr. Bryant will recognize that as a person with such fame and influence, the use of such language not only offends millions of LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] people around the world, but also perpetuates a culture of discrimination and hate that all of us, most notably Mr. Bryant, should be working to eradicate."
Well, (with the help of GLAAD) Kobe apologizes, released this statement:
"What I said last night should not be taken literally. My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period," Bryant said in a statement issued through the Lakers. "The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings towards the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone." 
Kobe, you should apologize on live TV. Your fans, kids and everyone else needs to SEE and HEAR you say you're sorry. Regardless of your anger, you could have done more harm than you know. So, I hope you think about this and possibly do something more than release a statement.


  1. How does one say something out of anger but it's not meant to be offensive? That's bull shit. Kobe lost my respect a loooooooooong time ago.

  2. "Fucking fag"?
    Not taken literally?
    Really, Kobe, you're an ass.
    Take that literally, please.
