Monday, April 11, 2011

House GOP Subcommittee will meet on ‘Defending Marriage’

They just won't quit! Now the House GOP are getting a panel together to discuss 'Defending Marriage'.
A subcommittee in the Republican-controlled U.S. House is set on April 15 to hear testimony in a hearing titled “Defending Marriage.”

The hearing, which is set to take place before the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, is scheduled to begin at 10 am in Room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

As of Friday, no witness list was posted on the committee website, nor was the intent the hearing immediately known. Whether the likely impending shutdown of the federal government would cancel or postpone the hearing also wasn’t immediately clear.

Charlotte Sellmyer, a House Judiciary Committee spokesperson, said more information would be available next week.

“Per our office policy, we release background and witness information one day prior to the hearing, so please check back in with us next week,” Sellmyer said.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), chair of the committee, has said President Obama could be impeached for his decision to drop his administration’s defense of the Defense of Marriage Act in court, and the upcoming hearing would likely represent his views.
This is silly! Where is the panel for jobs? Where is the panel for education and proper child care? Where is the panel for destroying the tax cuts for the rich?

It is clear that the GOP/Tea Party are hellbent on pushing a social agenda that is outdated and unpopular. When will these fools get it together?


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