Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hawaii Lawmakers Ban Trans Discrimination in the Workplace

In Hawaii, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that will ban workplace discrimination based on gender identity.
The Senate Judiciary Committee Monday approved the bill, which was previously passed in the House. The vote was 3-2 with Sens. Mike Gabbard and Sam Slom opposed.

Discrimination against transgender individuals and others based on their expression of gender is already illegal in Hawaii for housing, public accommodations and employment, but the ban on employment discrimination has been establish by rulings of the Civil Rights Commission and has not been written into the state statute. The bill approved Monday by the Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee, HB 546, would write the anti-discrimination language into labor law.

Advocates said the law is necessary because employers are confused because the language is not specifically in the statute. Gov. Linda Lingle vetoed an identical bill six years ago, but Judiciary Chairman Sen. Clayton Hee said Monday he is confident the provision will become law.

It still faces negotiations with the House, but the differences between the two houses are technical and not expected to prevent passage.
So there will be more to come on this issue. I'm hoping for the best.
