Friday, April 1, 2011

GOProud's Christopher Barron supports Donald Trump's Foolishness

Believe this mess or not, Christopher Barron supports Donald Trump. If you didn't know, he help bring Trump to CPAC.

But with Donald's recent birther foolishness, smart people would walk away from that... Not Chris.

Politico reports
Trump, incidentally, isn't just overshadowing the candidates. He's dragging other bits of the party down the birther rabbit-hole with him. For instance, I asked Chris Barron, the trump booster who heads the gay conservative group GOProud, whether he thinks Trump's questions about Obama's birth certificate are legitimate.

"Organizationally it's not a GOProud issue. Not related to any of the organization's legislative priorities," he said, and added when I pressed him on his view, said that it "is that it's not an issue that particularly resonates with me, but it clearly resonates with a large segment of the Republican primary. I think Mr. Trump's position on this has been a pretty common-sense one, and honestly, I can't understand why President Obama wouldn't have released his birth certificate before now to put an end to this once and for all."

Common sense? Oh Chris, please. However, he later clarified his stance.
It is obviously a slow news day, because there has been quite a bit of attention paid to comments I made to Ben Smith at Politico about Donald Trump and the birth certificate issue. First off, any position I have on this issue is mine and mine alone. I made it clear to Ben repeatedly that GOProud has no position on this issue – this issue has absolutely no relationship to any part of GOProud’s legislative and policy agenda. In the same way GOProud doesn’t opine on state issues because we don’t work on state issues, GOProud isn’t going to opine on an issue like this that is so far afield from our area of work. 
And he even put up a pic, proving that he's an asshole, oh I mean, an America Asshole.

How can he stand with Trump after he said he will deny us our rights? Is Chris that daft?


  1. That's not a birth certificate, it's a birth card. I've never seen such a tiny certificate.

  2. Not surprising. I have zero interest in this organization nor does the Republican Party (interestingly enough). I feel like if it weren't for the Christian Coalition and liberal groups nobody would even know who Chris or GOProud is.

  3. I've never even heard of this idiot. GOProud what a joke!
