Tuesday, April 12, 2011

UPDATED Gay UNC student was Attacked and Burned

Quinn Matney was attacked by a man who burned his wrist with some weird object. During the attack, gay slurs were shouted at Quinn.
As the freshman took a walk on South Campus at about 3 a.m. on April 4, he said he ran into an acquaintance on the Craige Residence Hall footbridge. As the two spoke, a man sitting at a nearby picnic table stood up and grabbed him by the wrist, he said. 

“Here’s a taste of hell you f—-ing fag,” Matney remembered the man saying.
The man branded Matney, who is gay, on the left wrist with an unidentified object, causing third- and fourth-degree burns that damaged three nerves and a tendon, leaving the freshman with no feeling in his thumb and limited mobility in his index finger, he said.
Matney said he tried to pull away — but the man didn’t let go until he received a hard punch to the face.

Matney said he then walked away quickly, trying to distance himself from the man and his two friends, who both appeared drunk.

“I’ve seen him two or three times before this, always out on that same bridge,” Matney said of the man, whose identity is unknown.
UNC plans to report this incident as a hate crime to the federal government.

Turns out the story was FALSE
Chancellor Holden Thorp said a student who told authorities he was branded with a searing hot object because of his sexual orientation filed a false police report and that it will not be reported as a hate crime.
Quinn Matney, who is gay, told authorities April 5 that a man walked up to him near a foot bridge on campus, called him a derogatory name, told him "here is a taste of hell," and held a heated object to his skin for several seconds, leaving third- and fourth-degree burns.
University officials initially called the assault a hate crime and pledged to "bring the strongest possible charges against the attacker."
Thorp said the university takes incidents of harassment seriously, but did not release any additional details.



  1. Yikes! I hope he finds the bastard!

  2. Lying FUCK! Crying wolf is not a good thing to do. Somebody go and snatch his dick off.
