Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Crazy Woman Attacked a Gauguin Painting because it's "Very Homosexual"

You see this woman here? For some reason, she thought the Paul Gauguin painting at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C was promoting homosexuality.

That thought actually made this fool run up to the painting, in the gallery, and try to rip it down.
Suspect Susan Burns, who turned 53 Friday, also said that the Gauguin painting “Two Tahitian Women,” which is pictured at right and valued at $80 million, is “very homosexual. I was trying to remove it. I think it should be burned,” according to a criminal complaint filed in D.C. Superior Court. “I am from the American CIA and I have a radio in my head. I am going to kill you,” added Burns, who lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

On Friday afternoon, Burns allegedly walked over to the Gauguin painting in Gallery 214-C and “grabbed the frame holding said painting on its left side and attempted to pull it off the wall.” Burns, the misdemeanor complaint charges, then “struck the middle of the painting with her right fist.” However, since the painting was “protected by a transparent acrylic shield on the front,” no damage was observed.

A further analysis today of the painting revealed no damage to it, according to Deborah Ziska, a National Gallery of Art spokesperson. 
Susan needs to be locked away in cushioned room. I mean, seriously, who would do crap like that?



Prince Todd said...

She should be flogged. That is a damn Gauguin!

WilsonW said...

She looks like the female sargent from Private Benjamin. You know, the lady who had all the cats in Jeepers Creepers!!

Dale Who. said...

She's from the American CIA, she has a radio in her head. From the expression on her face, it's quite obvious they didn't bother to tune said radio in...

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.