Thursday, April 28, 2011

Court set to hear Prop 8 Supporters concerns over Judge Walker's Ruling

This is ridic, but I guess everyone deserves their day in court. On June 13, a hearing has been scheduled to see if Judge Walker's ruling should be tossed out because the he's is gay and in a relationship.
Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware said Wednesday he was fast-tracking the motion involving his retired predecessor, former Chief Judge Vaughn Walker.

Lawyers for the sponsors of the voter-approved ban asked Ware to vacate Walker's August 2010 decision overturning the ban as a violation of gay Californians' civil rights.

Backers of Proposition 8 said Walker should have recused himself or disclosed his relationship status before trial to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

The judge, who left the bench at the end of February, recently revealed that he has been in a relationship with the same man for 10 years, but said he never considered removing himself from the case.
Basically, the haters think Walker was being unfair. Interesting, considering that they are being bigots about all of this. That's unfair.


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