Sunday, April 10, 2011

Christian Conservatives gather together to plan a War against the LGBT Community

These group continue their haterade towards our fam. They gathered together this weekend in Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va to start their losing battle against us.
The first step for Christian conservatives to win the war against the gay movement is to rebrand the terms, said a few panelists at this weekend’s The Awakening conference at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va.

“‘Gay’ is a left-wing socio-political construct designed to create grounds for fundamental rights [based on] whimsical capricious desires,” said Ryan Sorba, chairman of the Young Conservatives of California. “Gay identity does not exist.”

Sorba proposed alternatives to the word “gay,” which received approval by a unanimous show of hands by the 40-some audience members:

* “Same-sex attraction”
* “Same-sex intercourse”
* “Sodomy”
* “Unnatural vice”

Later in the discussion, it was suggested that gays should also be referred to as “anti-Christian.”

The one self-described ex-gay on the panel, Greg Quinlan — who founded the Pro Family Network in 1996 and is now the president of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) but spent his gay years lobbying for the LGBT-rights group Human Rights Campaign – explained that his foray into homosexuality was caused by abuse from his father and looking at Playboy magazine as a young boy.

“Feelings change, and they don’t define you,” Quinlan said, noting that through counseling he was able to re-orient his sexual attraction, which led to a heterosexual marriage (he’s now divorced).

“If you had all the facts, you wouldn’t choose to be gay,” Quinlan, 52, said. “When you live a lie, you tell a lie. Truth is not a philosophy. Truth is a person, and his name is Jesus Christ. Tell the truth in love, but it isn’t love until you tell the truth.”

As a board member of PFOX, he proposed a resolution to PepsiCo Inc. shareholders (PDF) in 2010, asking the corporation to rescind their funding to the Parents and Families, Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), because he claimed they promote intolerance to the ex-gay community and protest against religious conferences featuring ex-gay speakers. He has also spoken before the Disney Board of Directors, pushing a resolution to include ex-gays in the company’s mandatory sexual orientation diversity training for employees.
We are anti-Christian? Please, what do they think they are, Saints?



  1. These people are horrible human beings, not Christians.

  2. They need to take a long look in the mirror before they start saying gays are anti-christian. An anti-christian is someone who rejects Jesus's teachings of love and acceptance and forgiveness. The people rejecting these teachings the most are the leaders of the so-called christian church.

  3. Most of these guys are getting into their jets and fucking kids abroad.
