Monday, March 21, 2011

A Wonder Woman costume I can believe in

Thank you, Wilson. I needed to see another possibility


  1. Now THAT I could see.

    Shades of the 70's bodice whilst portraying the true Themysciran Warrioress....


  2. I like it, but I'm also getting that Xena Warrior Princess vibe from it as well.

  3. Yep, that's what I like about this Damien. You can see her heritage in it as well as her homage to America and it still looks like a warriors costume. Even if the costume evolved to something else later. I think this would be a GREAT place for it to start.

    Not to mention that the model is much closer to the physique I see Wonder Woman having. Which I know isn't "sexy" enough for male fans since she looks more like a wrestler or someone who would make a good She-Hulk. But I think this is much closer to the right direction!

    Thanks for featuring this Vik, I'm glad you like it and glad I ran across it! :)

  4. This is the one I ADVOCATED for! That is the same costume she fought Medusa in (I can't get enough of that storyline)! See, they should read my blog.

  5. Not to mention that this costume really shows how out of place she would be in our world. The Xena analogy works for me, because it fits. She is a warrior princess not a stripper. In this outfit walking down the road people would do a double take for sure but would keep on walking. Whereas the other costume they'd do a double-take then come stuff dollar bills down her top.
