Thursday, March 3, 2011

WATCH: Discussion on the White Male Scholarship Drama

This is a very interesting discussion. Please watch

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  1. I know I said something about this when you posted about it initially over on Facebook, Vik. But I have no problem with this man wanting to offer a scholarship to poor white people.

    All white people are not rich, privileged or well to do. There are white kids living in the same neighborhoods and going to the same schools as poor or poverty level minorities. I'm sure their parents would like help to get their kids into college the same as the black, latin, or whatever family that is living next door to them. Why not offer them the same opportunity we would want for ourselves?

    We know in fact that the majority of households on Welfare or Government support are Caucasian. Despite the image that is perpetrated in popular media.

    The same way we hate that someone would assume we are criminals, uneducated or lazy because of our color. I'm sure there are white people who hate that people assume about them all the things Mr. Hill says. Those kind of presumptions breed anger and racial hostility on both sides of the fence and they have to stop!

    I agree that such a thing as white privilege exists in many ways in our country. But to just assume that every white male or female benefits from it, is presumptuous and prejudiced. Don't we know how that feels?

    Something else, the scholarship is for someone who is at least 25% caucasian. They do realize that means that only one of your grandparents, at the least, needs to be white. MANY men of color (any and all colors mind you) would actually qualify for this scholarship. What about that?

  2. I feel he is fighting a losing battle. The stuff they are studying in American colleges as I type this will be irrelevent when they graduate. The people of color in India are the ones studying for the future. More power to him. The Brother in the clip is so right on and cute.
