Saturday, March 5, 2011

Question of the Day

Some of my friends have either nude or a partial nude pics of themselves. And they have no problem showing them off to the world. I applauded them for their gusto, I could never do it even if I had the body.

But I asking y'all today... How many of you have nude or partial nude pics of yourselves and have you shared them with the public?


  1. I have nude pictures, but I don't think I'd do it.
    I actually love my body...but my issue is my public self image.
    I post pictures all of the time but I'd like to keep somethings to the imagination.

  2. Believe it or not - yes. The way I look at is can be summed up by this movie quote:

    "Girlfriends, big or small, thin or fat, worship that body, it's the only one you've got."

  3. Yup. I made some nice close-up pics of my cock, but they don't show my face. Friends have copies and as far as I know they are not out in the general public, but if they were I can't be identified anyway, so it really doesn't matter.

  4. I have them - I have done - I will do :)

    Even with my tubby body :)))

  5. My last girlfriend and I had nude photos of us both done professionally. I still have them,
