Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Question of the Day: Drag Race Edition

The Drama! The lies! The Heathers! What did you think of last night's episode?


  1. As much as it pains me to say this...still don't like Delta or Raja, they were both ABSOLUTely right about Shangela. I love her, but c'mon now. In all fairness....make up issues? Can't sew? Really?!?! This is a a competition.

    Now as far as the "Heathers" and their attitudes, whole nutha story. Shady Bitches. LOL. Overall though, I liked the episode.

  2. I have come to the understanding that I have a few weeks (maybe) left to watch before I dislike them all so much I can't anymore. I am not fond of any of the remaining ladies, but find Raja & the Heather's rather repulsive...

  3. I'm not a fan of either Raja or Delta Work after this episode. I'm rooting against them.

  4. I loved it, Raja & Delta are my two favs

  5. Raja and Delta are making me dislike the show. Plus, the cliquishness . . . I thought that would have been left behind in high school.

  6. Honestly, I don't like any of them. These queens are giving me nothing this season. I am going to watch season two for the 3rd time...lol

  7. I'm in a similar view as Ian. I was all for Shangela but she can only hold on to the crutch of "I've only been doing this for a year" for so long. It's a competition. You can either do it or not.

    I'm also of the same mentality as many of the other commentators. Raja and Delta are ruing the show for me. I can handle Raja, she's talented and doesn't appear to always come form aplace of just being bitchy, but Delta - Seriously?! Someone put her in her place and get rid of her.
    It's sad that they're running around thinking that "The heathers" are the 'cool kids' instead of the original "Mean Girls"
