Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Poll: Latinos are no Fans of the GOP

A new poll shows that Latinos are moving far away from Republican views and very close to the Democrats.

The survey, conducted by a GOP pollster and consultant, found that Latino voters hold "widely negative" views about the Republican party. Envisioned as a way to "begin the process of understanding both the challenges as well as the opportunities for future Republican candidates in gaining a greater share of the Latino vote," the poll found Hispanic voters tend to view GOP candidates as overly conservative and distrust Republican views on immigration.

While California is unlikely to play a defining role in the 2012 elections, the poll could have implications for states like Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, where Hispanics have increasing political influence.

Commissioned by Republican strategist Marty Wilson, who managed Carly Fiorina's failed campaign for the California Senate, the survey of 400 California Latino voters found a wide Latino-GOP disconnect in the Golden State. Though they tried to frame it in the best terms possible, Wilson and GOP pollster Bob Moore conceded that there was much "work to be done to convince California Latinos that the Republican Party and its candidates can effectively represent them."
I knew that SB1070, and similar bills in other states, would challenge the long standing loyalties of the Latino community and the GOP.  That particular stance sent a strong negative message that will be damaging in future elections.



  1. The only time I ever voted for the GOP was for Ahnold over Angelides. I didn't like either of them.

    The GOP has a lot of work to do to convince me to vote for them? It's going to take more than a GOP-lite Democratic candidate to make me vote for the real thing in the future.

  2. I get a little pissed when I think we have to try and please a certain race of people for a vote ,be they Black ,White, Brown ect..
