Sunday, March 20, 2011

Joseph Gordon-Levitt cast in the new Batman Movie

Holy Batman News! Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been cast as the Holiday Killer.
Now that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is set to re-team with his "Inception" director Christopher Nolan on "The Dark Knight Rises," the question turns to what role the actor will play. 

Speculation has run rampant regarding the role, with blogs pegging the part as The Riddler or Deadshot, but insiders tell Variety that Gordon-Levitt will be playing Alberto Falcone, the son of Mafia chieftain Carmine Falcone, the character Tom Wilkinson played in "Batman Begins." 

Alberto Falcone, who is also known as The Holiday Killer, would bring Nolan's superhero trilogy full-circle. 
This will be an interesting movie.



  1. I'll have to rewatch the first one again, I can't remember the part. And is this in addition to anne as catwoman and tom hardy as Bane?

  2. This should be good. I'm there!

  3. Joseph Gordon Levitt is so CUTE! he is boyfriend material.
