Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm getting my 'Insanity' on

 Okay y'all, I need to be real. I'm not in the best shape. I keep saying I'm going to get right and then I don't follow through.

Honey, it's hard to stay on track; well for me anyways. But no more excuses, I'm going to get serious about my health.
So, I ordered Insanity, the new workout with sexy ass Shaun T. I told myself that I'm going to do this and stay on it.

Feel free to ask me if I'm on it. I should be since it cost $130 something dollars.


  1. It will be easier if you get someone to do it with you. A workout buddy is great motivation. (I know, kind of ironic the fat guy is giving you workout tips!)

  2. Hell, i feel like I coulda wrote that post.
    Well, maybe these 2 guys I met, who both seem to work out, will keep my ass in shape.
    And I know one thing for sure... you will be watching Shaun T. Fine. Ass. Hell.

  3. chile I see why you got the DVD. He would motivate me for SURE!
