Friday, March 4, 2011

Donald Trump says NO and NO to our right to Marry

Donald Trump just shot himself in the foot, personally and professionally. In an interview with Des Moines Register, Donald pretty much said that we should not have any marriage rights

Asked whether he supports allowing same-sex couples to marry, Trump said no. Iowa conservatives have overwhelmingly opposed the 2009 Iowa Supreme Court decision overturning the state’s ban on gay marriage.
“They should not be able to marry,” he said. But asked whether gay couples should be able access the same benefits as married couples, he said his “attitude on it has not been fully formed.”

Given a second to think, Trump said on marriage and civil benefits, “As of this moment, I would say no and no.”
Okay, well, I hope you think about that when you TRY to run for president or when certain sponsors start ditching your ass. For a man who has made a mockery of marriage, how dare he try to deny us the opportunity. Donald, you can go to Hell, and leave your hairpiece for us to dance on during our gay marriage ceremonies.


  1. You tell him, V! I've never been impressed with that asshole.

  2. tell us how you really feel, V!
    I couldn't agree with you more.

  3. He's a pompous fool... Always has been. I just ignore him... Sometimes I have to go into his buildings here in NYC... But hey...

  4. I do not, nor have I ever, supported Donald Trump. NOW, everybody who hated on Rosie O'Donnell for going at him can kick rocks!
    He sickens me.
    With that dirty lookin rat's nest on his head. Go buy a decent toupee you megalomaniacal douche bag.
