Sunday, March 6, 2011

10 Questions about the Mysterious Event called OutGiving 2011

I want to make this clear; I'm not trying to throw shade, I'm trying to get some answers.

The other day, I learned about this conference called OutGiving. Here's the press release

Cool, sounds like a great event, but there were a few things that raised my eyebrow.
OutGiving is an invitation-only event, no press allowed. We expect approximately 200 men and women whose cumulative net worth is in excess of $2 billion dollars to join us at this conference. These gay, lesbian and allied supporters’ combined philanthropy and political giving is estimated to be in excess of $100 million annually. Attendees also include leaders from the corporate and foundation community who are instrumental in funding LGBT causes, as well as many executive directors of LGBT organizations.
Okay, in some ways this sounds like a gay Hellfire Club without Emma Frost or Selene. So here are my concerns/questions
  1. Why is this a private affair? If they are making decisions on LGBT issues, raising hella money and courting 200 mystery guests, shouldn't we know what's really going on?
  2. And who are these mystery guests? If they are our allies or supporters, why are they hidden?
  3. No press allowed? If Obama or HRC did this, there would a haterade for the next 3 months from certain bloggers and activists. Where is the transparency?
  4. This 'net worth of 2 billion' is not a small deal, I'm concerned that we have no idea who these people are. What do these people do?
  5. Why wasn't the major LGBT orgs invited to this event? If I wasn't a comic book geek, I wouldn't think of this as a shadow group trying to take over... But I am a comic book geek and this doesn't feel right.
  6. Who are the other speakers, besides Pam Spaulding?
  7. Going back to the net worth of these "guests", how is this supportive of the grassroots movement? It's like saying if you don't make as much or if your net worth ain't high, you can't play in these reindeer games.
  8. Apparently the attendees signed a confidentially agreement. Why? What needs to be kept quiet?
  9. According to ngblog, the cost to attend OutGiving was $1400. Why is this so expensive and where is the money going?
  10. Since the Gill Foundation is behind this, what is their reason for OutGiving? What are they hoping to achieve?
Now, I know I sound all X-Files and stuff, but this bothers me a bit. This event needs to be explored and more questions need to be asked. If this meeting is about our movement and our future, we should know everything about it.

Thanks to Nelson for looking into this.


  1. It DOES sound very x-files.

    But the secrecy of the affair is somewhat disconcerting.

  2. they are under a NDA, which Pam was glad that those whom attend it last tie broke their agreement and blog about the event. This Year she was invite.

    I have a very short list of those i have found out are their thru their twitter post and blog post.

    I'm sure there are some Big Name Org's folks there... to think other wise would be wrong. I wrote an email asking for more informant, I have yet to get a reply

    I'm sure after this event a new group will pop up and have a list of things that we need to do to secure our rights....

  3. You are a JMG reader, so you must know Joe is down in Ft. Lauderdale this weekend visiting Father Tony, both of whom could very well be speakers at this event since they are both big-name blogger-activists. Perhaps they are attending, and perhaps they will blog about it.

  4. Cubby, I think he's at the Winter Party. He just posted some cute pics
