Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Wonder Woman Pilot has Artemis in it

Interesting change of events. In the original casting call, Artemis was nowhere to be found. Now, she could be a part of the cast.
Fans looking for some Wonder Woman mythology will be happy with some more casting news we have learned.

The WW production is currently casting the role of Artemis. Thus far, she only seems to be present for a flashback scene that details Steve Trevor’s crash on Paradise Island.
But if they’re going so far as to cast someone for this… surely it’s not just going to be an extra. Could Artemis be seen on the show again if the series continues beyond a pilot?

I think she should, but I would


  1. I wonder if she will be a woman of color???

  2. I'd rather they go with the sister made from the "DARK" clay. Heh!
