Monday, February 28, 2011

The Tea Party's Dream Presidential Candidates are... Herman Cain and Ron Paul

Who in the Hell is Herman Cain? Well, he's Black, which actually surprised me. He is also a radio host in Georgia and supposedly, very savvy.

Ron Paul also took top honors in the Tea Party Patriots straw poll beating out Moose Mess and other contenders. Here's more:
In a 'presidential straw poll' of nearly 1,600 conservative members of the Tea Party Patriots released on Sunday, 581 voted for U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, to run against Obama next year

Herman Cain, a Georgia businessman and talk-radio host, came in second with 256 votes.
Palin, a favorite of the conservative movement who was Senator John McCain's running mate against Obama in 2008, trailed in a distant third place with 149 votes.

"Mr. Cain and Rep. Paul's positions resonated with Tea Party Patriots this weekend," said Mark Meckler, the Tea Party Patriots' national coordinator, of the poll taken at the group's policy summit in Phoenix over the weekend and online.
Ron has won two major conservative straw polls so far. Sarah Palin on the other hand, ain't fairing too well with the crazies. Oh well.


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