Thursday, February 24, 2011

READ NOM's Desperate Ass Letter to STOP OBAMA!!

Dear Marriage Supporters,

This may be the most important email I’ve ever sent to you. Please read, take action and forward this message to at least 5 friends immediately.

The Obama administration has just announced that they will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court. In a statement released this morning, Attorney General Eric Holder explained that President Obama has decided that the definition of marriage contained in DOMA is unconstitutional, and has ordered that the Department of Justice should abdicate its constitutional duty and no longer defend DOMA against constitutional challenges.

This is it. The whole ball game. If we back down here, it will be all over.

It’s a constitutional outrage. Why do we even have courts if the President himself gets to decide which laws are constitutional?

But it’s not too late. Attorney General Holder admitted that Congress now has the ability to step in and defend DOMA. And that’s why we need your help.

Congress has the authority to independently defend the laws which it has passed. And we fully expect that Congress will intervene to defend DOMA in federal court – especially now that the Department of Justice has formally announced that it will no longer do so.

Email your congressman today! Tell them that you expect them to fully support Congressional action to intervene in the DOMA litigation to protect marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act.

It’s outrageous that President Obama would make himself the sole arbiter of whether DOMA is constitutional – our laws deserve a full and fair defense. If the Obama administration refuses to do so, it’s time for Congress to act today!

And don’t forget – Please forward this message to at least 5 friends right away. We need to take action immediately. Don’t let Congress off the hook – ask your friends to join you in demanding Congress to take action today!


Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown,
National Organization for Marriage

Too Funny.



  1. That is hilarious. I hope they go down in flames.

  2. He's just mad the donations will stop and him and that hotdog neck bitch wont be able to afford a cheese burger. These guys are in my opinion are stealing from people.
