Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Question of the Day: The Glee Edition

I'm not watching as much as I used to, but I know some of you do... What did you think?


  1. It was a really good episode. Definitely one of the better ones I've seen in awhile.

  2. What's with Glee doing commercials disguised as plot lines? The Chevy dream bit was cute, but now Chevy is actually using it as a commercial.

    Last night they did a big number in a Gap store, making sure to showcase all the Gap merchandise. How much do you want to bet we start seeing that as a stand-alone Gap commercial?

    At least Glee makes an attempt to hide this advertising. On "Ugly Betty" one time they built an ad for Cherry 7up into the plot and barely tried to disguise it. It was blatant and in my opinion offensive.

    The bit about Santana being so vindictive that she would purposely give Finn and Quinn mono was BRILLIANT. I have no doubt the Mean Girls in high schools everywhere are plotting their own similar revenge scenarios this morning.

  3. I really liked it, but now, "Firework" is stuck in my head. . .again! I can't get it out! LOL

  4. The boy from the all guy school got to sing two numbers while Kurt has hardly sung anything since going to that new school. Start showcasing some other people in that group. I'm tired of watching him sing all the dang time.

    Episode was ok though. I do like that they are shifting all the drama to the kids and pulling away from the Shue plot lines. It's also nice to see Glee Club getting a bit of a boost for Finn winning the championship and Sue losing the Cheerleading competition.

    I don't know about you, but in my school band was always seen as geeky too. It would be nice to see other groups start to get highlighted rather than just Glee, Cheerleaders and Football. (Like they did with Chess, I think, recently.)

  5. Not entirely about Glee, but this guy looks like a young Dean Cain. I would do him in a heartbeat. He's legal, right?
