Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Question of the Day: Drag Race Edition

What did you think of last night's episode?


  1. Thanks to Mimi Imlast I learned that drag racing is not a contact sport. She definitely crossed a line there when she picked up the other contestant.

  2. I liked her...before last night.
    it was desperate.

  3. Last night's episode revealed the REAL Mimi!
    She is a VERY talented performer, but ruthless and has proven herself as a cut throat character among the NYC drag queens. I'm glad everyone got an opportunity to see that side of her.
    I was very happy - made me laugh till tears, AND restore faith that the show is still REALity TV.

  4. What was that chick thinking?? Especially when in a previous week you could tell that a performer got sent home because she put her hands on the other Lip Sync for your Lifer. I don't think she should have been in the bottom to be honest I think she would have beat the Lady Marmalade Pink outfit chick if she had kept her cool. Ah well, her smile was scary-fake and she looked a lot like Chi Chi Larue to me.

    Anyway what do you think of the Absolut ads Vic? I think Ravens is the best one!! The one who won last year, hers is just scary!

  5. In my most humble opinion I'm glad she's gone. From the moment she bawled that she didn't know how to sew to last night's unladylike behavior I have not liked her. I don't understand how the others tolerated her for as long as they did. Sashay away!

  6. In my most humble opinion I'm glad she's gone. From the moment she bawled that she didn't know how to sew to last night's unladylike behavior I have not liked her. I don't understand how the others tolerated her for as long as they did. Sashay away!
