Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Perry Moore's "Hero" television adaptation is still in the Works

In Comic Con 2009, I was fortunate to hear Perry Moore talk about his gay superhero novel, Hero becoming a movie. But after his recent death, I wasn't sure if was still in the works.

However, MTV's Splash Page confirms it's still in development.

"It's still in development," a spokesperson for Starz told MTV News of the project's status in the wake of Moore's death. 

A rep for Starz could not confirm the current involvement of POW Entertainment in the project, and requests for comment/confirmation from POW did not receive a response at press time. Starz listed the current "Hero" producers as Moore, his creative partner Hunter Hill, and "300" producer Mark Canton.
"I have always been enthralled with comic books and superheroes, and I've always believed there should be a gay superhero. Not as a joke, not as a supporting character, not as a victim, not as a token, but as a real front-and-center hero," Moore wrote of the impetus for "Hero" on his website. "I've always been surprised by how few gay heroes there are in comic books, and I decided I would write the definitive coming-of-age story of the world's first gay teen superhero."

"I was very surprised by the low number of gay characters in comic books," he continued. "Every other barrier has been broken in comics: race, gender, class, physical challenges. But gay characters remain few and far between."
I'm glad to see that Perry's work will possibly live on.

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