Thursday, February 17, 2011

NH lawmakers Face the Gay Marriage Repeal

Big drama in New Hampshire. Today, House Judiciary Committee will take up 2 bills that could repeal gay marriage. It is expected that hundreds of folks will attend the hearing.

Here's more:

The sponsor of one bill, House Republican Leader D.J. Bettencourt, has said he will ask the committee to hold the bills until next year so lawmakers can focus on fiscal issues. But the sponsor of the second bill believes it would be better to vote on the issue this year.

Democratic Gov. John Lynch has said he will veto a repeal bill if it reaches his desk. Republicans hold supermajorities in both the House and Senate which would be enough to override a veto if the GOP caucus was united in repealing gay marriage.
I hope the bills fail.


1 comment:

  1. Over 700 people showed up. Vast majority was FOR marriage equality, only a few haters.
    Nashua Telegraph article
    Standing Up for New Hampshrie Families Site
    They've tabled it until next year, as I am sure you already know. Battle won. War not close to being over!
