Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Idea/Outline for a Wonder Woman TV pilot

 After seeing the pilot breakdown of Wonder Woman, I wasn't feeling it. This is maybe a Wonder Woman Earth-543 pilot, but not the one we have grown to love all these years.

So as I mulled over this, I thought I would create my own script outline for my favorite amazon.
  • Diana would come to America in the 'classic way'. She would save Steve Trevor, win the tournament, and bring him back to the US.
  • Her mother (Queen Hippolyta) has taught her everything she knows, however the Queen has secret past... She has been to man's world before. 
  • As Diana travels to America, the mystical field between Themyscira and the US closes, leaving Diana trapped in our plane.
  • In America, Diana will be completely 'Amazonian', meaning she will not be familiar with man's world. She will be naive and very guarded. 
  • She will meet Julia Kapatelis, Steve Trevor's former history teacher/mentor and her daughter, Vanessa. 
  • Steve wants to keep Diana a secret, considering he works for a shadow part of the government who would love to learn more about a magical isle of Amazons.
  • Julia agrees to help Steve and teach Diana English and basic social norms. Diana actually lives with Julia.
  • During all of this, Diana falls for Steve and he also develops feelings for her.
  • Steve goes back to work, but his organization is breached by the evil group called, the H.I.V.E.
  • This group has killed Steve's colleagues and now they've focused their sites on him. 
  • The H.I.V.E. sends one of their best assassins, Cheshire to kill Steve. 
  • One night as Steve takes Diana out on a date, Cheshire attacks. However, Cheshire has no idea that Diana is not an average girl. 
  • The two women battle it out, the match ends as a stalemate.
  • Later, Cheshire reports to the H.I.V.E. about Steve's 'Super Agent'. The H.I.V.E. sends Cheshire and a group of mercenaries to take out Steve and Diana.
  • The two are attacked again, but this time it's in public.
  • Diana stops Cheshire and the her team, but now the world knows that she has superpowers.
  • Diana's life gets interesting as the media gets involved and names her 'Wonder Woman'.
  • Now the party really starts.
Okay that's my take. I thought I would remix her origin a little and bring in some other DC Comic Characters


Prince Todd said...

Good. I have no complaints.
However, onething I want to see is Wonder Woman fighting villains in her weight class.
Screw fighting humans all the time. Bring in The Furies for a special episode.

Wonder Man said...

If I was on the project, I would bring them in later.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.