Saturday, February 12, 2011

Michele Bachmann Has No Concept of Taxes

This heifer thinks we are being taxed 75% of our income


  1. Those of us that have some mathematical skill have figured out it's not 75% but 33% instead. And that's not even including sales and excise taxes.

    That's just all the crap they deduct from your gross pay.

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  3. Michele Bachman is a walking laughing stock to anyone not from the right wing of the Republican party. She makes Palin seem like an intellectual. Proving yet again, the Republican party is truly the party of "No-nothings".

  4. What a crackpot. She has a juris doctorate from Oral Roberts University. All you have to do to get one from Oral Roberts is threaten to kill yourself if you are not granted one! :) And then, after the JD, she got a Masters of Laws from William and Mary. That tells you what her JD is worth!
    One thing for sure, she doesn't have a degree in math. She doesn't understand the first thing about that. But then again, Repubs, especially the Teabagging variety, don't base anything on facts, rational thinking, or even evidence. They base everything what sounds good at the moment.
    BosGoys's right. She is a laughing stock.
