Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kneel Before... Viggo? Is this our new Zod? Hope so.

Hot news! Viggo may be playing General Zod in the new Superman movie. Here's the scoop:

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that producer Christopher Nolan and director Zack Snyder are zeroing in on an intriguing actor to play the villain: Viggo Mortensen. Mortensen, who is still in negotiations for Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman, is said to be at the top of the list to play General Zod, the evil and super-powered scientist first introduced not in the comic books but in 1980's Superman II
Interesting choice. If he gets it, I'm sure he will do really well.



  1. If he was General Zod and I was Superman, he wouldn't need Kryptonite to capture me.

  2. Viggo has no problem showing is dong on the screen, I like that.

  3. Whoever plays him...
    General Zod is so sexy. I'll kneel before him!
